Early Accomplishments -
She was born on 26 October 1947 in Chicago, Illinois, on October 26, 1947 to Hugh and Dorothy Rodham, and grew up in Park Ridge, Illinois, along with her two younger brothers, Hugh and Tony.
Growing up, she played tennis, softball and volleyball, enjoyed swimming, ballet and skating, and was active in Girls Scouts and in the local Methodist youth group.
She was a high-achiever at school, found all her lessons easy.
Young Adult Accomplishments -
In 1965, she got admission into Wellesley College. She graduated with honors.
She went on to study at Yale Law School and served on the Board of Editors of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action.
She met and started dating Bill Clinton at Yale.
Career Accomplishments:
She joined the Children's Defense Fund as a staff attorney in 1973.
In 1974, she was invited to join the Impeachment Inquiry staff of the judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives.
She joined the law faculty of the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.
She founded the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families and served on the board of the Arkansas Children's Hospital.
She started the Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youngsters.
She was named Arkansas' Woman of the Year in 1983 and its Young Mother of the Year in 1984.
She was named one of the top 100 lawyers by the "National Law Journal" in 1988 and 1991.
She became the only First Lady to compete for a Senate seat and to win in the state of New York.
According to Sean Robertson of Daily Kos, she did the following as Senator -
She endorsed bills to 'extend period of unemployment assistance to victims of 9/11', 'pay for city projects in response to 9/11', 'assist landmine victims in other countries', 'assist family caregivers in accessing affordable respite care' and 'Designate part of the National Forest System in Puerto Rico as protected in the Wilderness Preservation System'.
She passed resolutions to name courthouses after Thurgood Marshall and James L. Watson, and post offices after John A. O'Shea and Sergeant Riayan A. Tejeda.
She voted to designate August 7, 2003 as National Purple Heart Recognition Day and swore to support the goals and ideals of National Purple Heart Recognition Day and also, on a separate occasion, the goals and ideals of Better Hearing and Speech Month.
She congratulated the Syracuse University Orange Men's Lacrosse Team and the Le Moyne College Dolphins Men's Lacrosse Team on winning the lacrosse championships.
She passed resolutions to establish the Kate Mullany National Historic Site, to establish the 225th Anniversary of the American Revolution Commemorative Program, and to recognize the Ellis Island Medal of Honor.
She passed resolutions to honor the respective lives and achievements of the late Alexander Hamilton, Shirley Chisholm, John J. Downing, Brian Fahey, and Harry Ford.

She is currently campaigning to become the Democratic National Committee's nominee for the 2008 Presidential elections.
Personal Accomplishments -
In 1975, she left a promising career in Washington and "followed her heart to Arkansas". Arkansas was where Bill Clinton was, and there she married him.
Her daughter, Chelsea, was born in 1980, was shielded from too much public attention, and has grown up into a normal, well-turned-out young lady.
Hillary Clinton supported her husband's political career and stood by her man when he became president, even when he did her dirty.
She always "had big dreams and willing to make the sacrifices to make them happen."
One of her favorite topics is the need "to find the right balance in our lives."
Read more at Buzzle: http://www.buzzle.com/articles/hillary-clinton-accomplishments.html

Not mentioned because the site was old is that she was named secretary of state and did a good job.

That's what Hillary's accomplishments have been. You don't follow up someone like her with a person who you know is just going to piss off Republicans (even moderates like McCain and Graham) and was tied closely to a huge controversy whether or not she was involved.

Just choose John Kerry and be done with it.

Last edited by 123JoeSchmo; 11/17/12 12:11 PM.

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone