Why on earth would you get your cousin a job working for an insane paranoid like Gyp and NOT warn him to never ever ever say anything to Gyp?
Don't offer advice, don't give criticism, don't correct him, just don't speak unless spoken to.
That said many of Gyp's crew are all by definition violent lawless men in their own right and it doesn't make a lot of sense that someone as chaotic and as unpredictable as Gyp could maintain loyalty for long. There are limits to loyalty.
Anyway exit Owen. I figured that was coming up. Maybe now we'll finally get less screen time with Margaret. Owen should have stayed with Katie. Much prettier than Margaret.
I didn't like the writing that Nucky is going to tell half the eastern criminal establishment that he's going after Masseria and not expect that Masseria wouldn't hear about this. There was bad blood between Gyp and Nucky not Masseria and Nucky. Nucky's not Jewish so presumably he wouldn't trip Masseria's bigotry. Why wouldn't Nucky have attempted to speak with Masseria about the situation and maybe cut his own deal?
This season Nucky thinks he is a big bad gangster even though he is really half of a gangster. I mean jimmy was the first man he ever killed and even then jimmy had to talk him through it