From what I understand Greece hasn't paid a darn thing on their debt and never will, just enough to not get kicked out of the Euro. And Olivant's spot-on, you could tax every millionaire at 100% and that would only net around $3 trillion. We need GROWTH and a broader base of tax payers. That 3 trillion is about the same amount the Fed has pumped into the system through quantitative easing the past few years, and thus that supposed declining unemployment rate.

But since none of these Fiat currency system supporters care about debt anyway it doesn't matter. Never mind that during the Great Depression the debt to GDP ratio was 16% and today it's around 105. Many economists say this election was a win for the ultra Fiat currency system and their 'funny money,' and although I don't consider myself a Ron Paul Gold reservist, I do believe in a MARKET DRIVEN economy, not a system that's based on whatever rate Bernanke wants. I mean, what's the point of anyone showing up to work at the futures and options exchange if the Fed's going to set the rate anyway??! confused

While I don't reject our Fiat currency system I don't think that the Gold system should be replaced with sea shells or whatever supposedly credit worthy asset the Fiatists deem redeemable, either. rolleyes Inflation is REAL, ask people in places like Iran if you don't think it's true.