Originally Posted By: Imamobguy
No, Feech is allowed his crew back but didn't have any members in it. Barese was under arrest at the time and moved over. Feech was convicted in 1984 and Larry Boy Barese was involved with Johnny Boy Soprano.

Feech is allowed his crew back but didn't have any members in it - please tell me where this was ever said in the series. I think you maybe talking about when Feech tells tony he wants back in on the action and Tony tells him as long as you don't step on anyones toes then gives him a few jobw and his card game back. It's never said he becomes a capo again though especially not of Larrys crew like you said cos Albert is still acting capo of the crew at this point .

Larry may have started in Johnnys crew but he was never in Jimmys crew like you said, he was one of the original capos in the 1st season alongside Jimmy showing that he wasn't in his crew.