Originally Posted By: dsbaloo
Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: sitonmyface11
lol! he had enough strength to take the tube out of his mouth so he could spit at the us marshals one last time.lol.

Well that's the truth. Give credit where credit is due. Greg talked more than the broads on "The View." And he paid the price for it. But he was all gangster, and he hated law enforcement until the day he died.

I saw some documentary about Jack Falcone and the guy playing Greg DePalma I found funny I guess he does a good job especially when he hits the guy in the deopartment store hopefuly I can find the link

Haha I've seen that. If I can find the link ill post it. My favorite part of the reinactment is when greg depalma is driving jack garcia somewhere in a mini van, they pull up at a jewelry store and depalma comes out with the corniest pinkie ring ever as a gift to jack garcia. The ring looked like something a ranchero mexican would buy out of a vending machine. Tin foil rolled in some glitter. What a classy guy depalma was, not to mention a genious, almost proposing a fat cuban for membership.

lol. i saw that part in the book too. where bob vaccaro hits the guy called 'petey chops'.lol.the funniest story i have ever heard came from an old timer who was they were playing golf with. i believe it was greg, funzi, andy walker, and the guy telling the story. they were at the dyker beach golf corse. off 86th. they get to some hole and greg shanks the fuck out of it.lol. [apparently they had a caddie telling them what clubs to use or something]. keep in mind ive never played golf. ever. so i dont know anything but the story. so gregs ball is off in the woods, so the caddie hands him a [some fucking club, how would i know]...greg hits it and it goes over the putting green and into the woods behind it!lol. gregs steaming, lol. the caddie says 'try this one', hands him another club...and greg hits it right into a fucking sand trap!lol. so greg walks up over the green, all the other guys are waiting on him, and hes trying to be a good sport or something. when the caddie says, 'at least it didnt go into the lake'. greg turns around and hits the caddie with a fucking chipping wedge. lol. the guys on all fours spitting out his teeth and greg picks up his bag and says 'ill carry my own goddamn clubs'.lol. im not sure how true it was but sounds like him to me.lol.