Originally Posted By: ricobenes
Toodoped no offense pal you seem like a nice guy but you're completely lost frown

Yes camarel nitti certainly became boss after capone left, and was really the top guy during capones last few years. Nitti was really a very intelligent, rational guy, and I believe would have became the long reigning boss with Ricca by his side. Ricca said he learned a lot of his aesthetics from Nitti. But like you said, the can was just too much for him, and he would have rather died than flipped, Chicago style wink

No Accardo was never, ever on the level of Ricca haha, and they were never young turks together. Accardo was a mid level level Taylor street guy that moved up to the Patch (grand ave) during the prime of Taylor st & Giancana/Ricca's 42 Gang. It then became Taylor St. vs Grand Ave during that period back then, with Accardo/Cerone heading Grand Ave (the weaker crew) & Giancana/Ricca controlling Taylor st, which was the absolutely powerhouse. Giancana was Paul's protege, and Jackie Cerone was Accardo's. There was a ton of hate on Grand Ave & Cicero back then because they were the two weakest crews, and it ended coming back to bite Sam in the ass when he came home, as Aiuppa's Cicero had ironically become the dominant crew in a very short period of time (joey o was one power hungry guy). Things changed rather quickly & drastically when Giancana went away & Aiuppa was free to place his trusted Cicero guys where old Taylor st guys previously sat pretty. Chinatown is a prime example of that. Hope that helps.

Also don't be ridiculous the outfit isn't some mega gang that controls various parts of the world. They just aren't as tiny as some of you might think. They have interests & a few guys here & there throughout the places I mentioned haha, its not like they're controlling cocaine distribution in Venezuela or something pfffhahahaha

First of all thanx for the compliments,second i dont agree on the part that Ricca and the others learned a lot from Nitti,they considered him as an idiot and third...who the f**k sad somethin about the present outfit?!Im talkin about the past,the Giancana times and yes,in thouse times they couldve improt cocaine even from Venezuela if they wanted to

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.