Originally Posted By: MaryCas
My sister and BIL both told me accounts of their house being "haunted". Cool breezes in their bedroom; pressure on the bed, like someone sitting on the bed; their kids toys moving; BIL being hit on the head with actual visual wounds.

They only lived there a year - Westchester, PA - a few years later my BIL had business on that street and talked to a resident up the block. The resident said, "you lived in that house? we used to hear screaming coming from there."

My sister had been awakened by what appeared to be an apparition of a little girl in her bedroom on a couple of different occasions. She never said anything to anyone until one day she asked her daughter who recently got married and had moved out if she ever saw "anything unusual" in the house when she lived there. My niece told her "I saw a little girl playing in my room one night". She said she never said anything because she thought everyone would think she's nuts. My sister says all this happened at the same time one of her former foster children passed away while living with another family.