As opposed to what? Your street knowledge? No offense but no one is going to tell you over drinks at Richard's Bar that the Outfit is involved in major drug and arms trafficking operations, are they?
That seems to be what you're implying.
That inside people with real knowledge of the situation have give you the inside deets.
I will assume that it is just your imagination run wild. Othewise why don't you share with us where you get your information. Even if it's not a specific indivicual name, just say "a cousin of a high ranking mobster" etc.
When did I imply that some shitbag at Richards feeds me info? I honestly could care less about what you, or anyone else thinks. We both know that the bulk of your info comes from Dane placko,, and a bunch of dusty old news articles, that much was apparent when you expressed sympathy for that dirtbag Calabrese jr & admitted to believing Joe batters was the top boss for decades, so what's the difference? Eyes, PP, friedravfarts, and myself just come here to bullshit once in a while, no one is trying to convince anyone of anything. And frankly, its no ones business where i get my information from. That's private, and once again, I'm not sharing anything specific, nor detrimental, so again, what's the difference? Believe what you'd like, means absolutely nothing to me.
But sometimes you like to say that ppl are lost,and "these facts are not true",and this and that,and after that "I'm not sharing anything specific" or "Believe what you'd like, means absolutely nothing to me. " bla bla bla bla...aaahhhhh shut up!!!youre a nice fello!stay cool to the ladies.theres a lot of this gay menace thing goin on and we dont need that shit right now!!! last glass of mr.jack and im off!cheers yall
Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.