This ain't a joke but it had me ROTFL anyway. And if it sounds a little dark well I apologize. Two years ago I was driving home and I see this big, big snarling broad getting into a real trash talking jive going right at it with some black Jamaican guy calling each other all the names under the sun you can think of on one of those deadbeat chat shows without the bleeps. I pull over and check it out.
Anyway she huffs and puffs at him like she's gonna blow the house down and jumps up and down like a crouching tiger hidden dragon is about to let loose with some serious shit and attempts to fly kick the guy with dreads but she barely rises her ass off the ground when she begins to fall flat and kicks her heel up before she ends up flat on her ass on the floor like a beached whale kicking up the sand.
Then the Jamaican kicks her when she's down so I holler and ran over with this old Jewish guy coming from another angle and the black guy sped off so to console this crazy bitch the old school Jewish guy slides up to her real slow and just says calmly seriously thinking this will help that a little encouragement will do her the world of good:-
"Don't beat yerself up, it happens. If I would have one criticism it would be the way you tried to take this guy out. Don't take this the wrong way but your trouble was going for da Bruce Lee when you were better built for the sumo. This thing could easily have gone the other way. Now you hadda got that creep in a bear hug you coulda been a coupla cupcakes away from kicking that raggaman to the curb instead 
She stays calm and then explodes, this ain't helping believe me and she roars like a hungry hippo or something. After it was over I offer to drop him somewhere and I says where you wanna be the guy says "Take me to the zoo, I need to be caged away from all these animals around here"
I still laugh thinking about it and it happened nearly two years ago now. He sounded like Rodney Dangerfield or something, real old school LMAO.