Originally Posted By: CamillusDon

Truth being that you could pass laws all day long and it wouldn't stop people like this.

Again as I proposed before, let's legalize murder then with your logic. Find a better argument.

This is worth nohing. In 1996, Australia banned semi-automatic and automatic firearms after a similar shooting massacre happened. This reform also included gun buyback, which resulted in the government buying back about 20% of the firearms being circulated in Australia at the time.

The result? A large decline in suicides and reduced homicides in the nation of Mad Max and baby-eating killer Dingos.


Originally Posted By: CamillusDon

Solutions can be had without taking GOOD people rights away my friend.

Which in essence you also mean keep BAD people rights.

Please people, try to think. Apply common sense.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 12/17/12 11:58 PM.