the difference is the 'source' of information.sammy told john that db was talking behind his back when he wasnt.he did the same to louie millito.consider the source.its johns underboss.some one he trusts.he didnt have any proof except sammys would be disrespectful to call sammy a makes the administration look like they dont trust each other. sammy knew how the life works.

say two guys go to a sit.a skip and a soldier.soldier says the sky is blue.capo says 'no its red'.lol. the consiglieri comes in and says 'from now on the skys red'.lol. all sammy had to do was say the words.he picked on weaker guys and got them clipped or shelved,but he knew better than to fuck with a guy like danny or jimmy.

now keep what i just said in mind and remember when this 'rumor' came out.who did it come from? gaspipe. who,yes,was a boss.but at the time he was a rat.rats have no status. there word means nothing. thats why when gaspipe flipped all his 'shy' dried up.any one with any sense could get out of paying because the guy who gave them the loan turned 'bad'.

so short,i still stand by my original position.