Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Mignon
PB, I like you alot but when you make fun of hillbillies it pisses me off. My family are hillbillies. My husband is a hillbilly. There are good and bad in all people. Would it be right of me to say ALL muslims are terrorists?

I was just trying to point out that gun owners are often unfairly sterotyped as such, Mig. So in my own way I was sticking up for the gun owner. But let's be honest, city dwellers and rural people are different. Over the years you've hinted that most New Yorkers are moneyed snobs, when that couldn't be further from the truth.

Please refresh my memory when I've done that. If I've done that then shame on me that's wrong.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12