Originally posted by Mignon:
Thanks for posting that. I loved that skit. "Buried with a donkey He's my favorite honkey"- "He's got a condo made of stone-a"
Glad to know another fan, Mig!
I showed it to my parents - we actually have a VHS of Steve Martin's best skits on SNL, including this one, but YouTube is so much more handy. My mom's absolutely obsessed with the site, now.
XDC, I'm so sorry to hear about your break-up.

I'm certainly no love expert, but remember that we're all here for you. You're a truly "good guy," and I know you'll be rewarded for that, so keep positive.
I'm scared to go to sleep because Stephen King is such a wonderful writer.

What was really freaky was what happened a couple of days ago - I'd been reading it, and I finished a chapter, so I decided to see what was on TV...I started flipping the channels and came across a scene from a familiar movie...The Shining.