Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
If I remember right, the Gambinos had the Association of Trade Waste Removers of Greater New York and the Queens County Trade Waste Association under Jimmy Failla and later Joseph Francolino. The Genovese had the Kings County Trade Waste Association and the Greater New York Waste Paper Association under Allie Shades, Frank Giovinco and Angelo Ponte. The Genovese also had the garbage association in New Jersey and the Luccheses controlled the association on Long Island. Of course, the main union - Teamsters 813 - was Gambino controlled.

That's correct, Ivy. Just don't forget local 456 up in Westchester, a huge garbage local that was under the thumb of the Genovese family for 50 years. Being outside the city it didn't get as much attention as 813, but it was every bit as corrupt. Eddie Doyle ran that local for close to half a century, his father before him, and his son after him. Eddie Junior died a few months ago. It was from natural causes but the kid was only in his 40's. Eddie Sr. is a shell of his former self because of it. No more union, either. He's a cautionary tale.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.