Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
My assesment on the Outfit is like Ivy's: small in manpower (if you don't count associates) but stronger in terms of rackets and overall power. You can't tell me the skeleton crews running the New England and Philadelphia families carry more clout than John DiFronzo and his goons. They own one of the largest waste hauling companies in Chicago, probably have some Union pull (not much), still do the usual loansharking, gambling, etc, extortion, offshore Casino's and other legit stuff. And though they are nowhere NEAR as powerful as they were even ten years ago, it's my understanding they are more solidly entrenched in Chicago than in Boston, Philly or NJ. To me they are the most viable family outside of New York.

Two telling statements are in the article below. After the Family Secrets case, Ronald Goldstock, former director of the New York State OC task force, said "What you're seeing now in Chicago and elsewhere are mopping-up operations."

Another part of the article says, "Veteran mob watchers in Chicago say that city's criminal organization has not yet plunged to the Philadelphia organization's level."


While I would also put Outfit above those other families, I wouldn't put it way above. There's not just similarity in terms of total manpower and scope of operations. If you look at the Chicago mob cases over the last decade, and compare them to New England or Philadelphia, they're remarkably similar. Much more similar than to the New York families, which goes against the perception some still have that Chicago is almost like the sixth family, i.e. on the level of the NY families.

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