I agree with you as well regarding China tragedy. As horrifying as it would be to have my child harmed, at least he/she wouldn't be dead.

No matter how much spin, how many articles/statistics are posted OR how many "don't take my 2nd amendment rights" are repeated (at nauseum), for God's sake, it takes more to vote (longer lines/waits) in some states than to purchase a gun. mad We MUST at least try to know WHO has guns to the best of our ability and BACKGROUNDS checks are NOT taking away rights.

All that being said, and as angry as this subject makes me, I still maintain that nothing will be done in the end. So gun lovers relax. For me, I refuse to accept the "there's nothing to see, everything else is to blame but guns, move on" attitude. confused It's hard to sit back & accept.

So, on my part, for starters, I e-mailed my local congressman (a-hole that he is) and got back a form e-mail saying "how I am working for you", blah blah, blah without even mentioning the topic of my e-mail. rolleyes


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon