Originally Posted By: m2w
i don't think london is controlled by a particular group, it's just a mix of several groups among them turks and jamaicans seems to be a bit more present
but there is not any group that is a real mafia

I think you've been reading the newspaper too much pal, Jamaicans don't run anything, they never have been big time drug lords they're just street hustlers..everytime someone would get shot to death in the 90's/early 2000's the papers would blame the 'yardies' there is no such thing, they are just individual Jamaican drug dealers...and this generation of black people now are pretty much all english or hail from places like Ghana, the whole 'Yardie' error of crime was a complete myth created by the media.

The only two groups who have any real structural organization are the Turks and Russians, they control things on a huge scale.

Last edited by TommyGambino; 01/07/13 04:48 PM.