Ha so in other words they make a lot of dough but they blow it on stupid shit as soon as they get it, although I'm sure there is some made guys who fucking make pennies.. Defede stated an average soldier was making like 50k a year.. In nyc that's fucking shit money. There is lowest level street dealers who sell coke who pull in more than 50k a year. Shit I know a fucking nerd who sells his script of blues (roxys) and yellows (norcos) and he pulls in around 40k a year just on that alone. Shits a joke
When they took the 80's off the market profits suffered I know degenerate who does his whole script in a few days otherwise he'd clear 36 tax free off his script of 150 blues ...it was someone I had to cut off him and his mother are trash and junkies

they fuck the system get all kinds of free shit and those scripts on top..he told me hes disappointed from his current law suit which hes sueing his girlfriends mom real classy family