Originally Posted By: TommyGambino
Great post mate, especially the part about the Turks controlling East/North London OC, them guys are stone cold killers, I've heard about every shop on several high streets paying protection money, they must be making a fortune cus liek you say they don't have to pay off the police as nobody in the area will snitch.

Would love to see a few documentaries come out about the Turks in London.

Thanks. There's a few bits on Turkish OC in London on Youtube. Not sure if they're any good. I'll have a look later and see if i can dig out links.

Originally Posted By: m2w
marijuana is controlled mostly by italians
most of the plants are located over there
albanians controls mostly the ganja traffick versus greece

You may be right, but I really don't think any Italian group have a majority influence anywhere in Europe outside Italy. Germany is the closest they get, and they're outnumbered even though. I don't think they properly 'control' anything, but they certainly maintain a small presence in many places.

Originally Posted By: m2w
i wouldn't say jamaicans run anything in london
there are some places like brixton full of them
of course on local scale, but almost all groups in london operate in a local scale, included turks in their neighbourhoods

That's not right. Turkish gangs are properly organised. Proper structure with a proper hierarchy and, although they do profit from localized rackets, they are also heavily involved in international crime. Black gangs on the other hand have little or no proper structure in Europe. They certainly don't in London. The Jamaican 'Yardie' phenomena is a complete media exaggeration and has generally been debunked. They were violent and criminal yes, but not organised in any real way.

The black gangs are definitely 'connected' to organised crime, in the sense that they buy drugs etc from proper OC groups, and occasionally act as 'violence for hire', but that's about it. The bulk of their activities are street level drug dealing and muggings and nobody gets any real money. The police are generally all over these guys anyway, with wannabe gangsters regularly going down for silly shit like stealing a mobile phone.

Its weird though, these guys number in their thousands in London alone. Certain estates in London have hundreds of so-called 'soldiers'. But they never amount to anything. Violence is all postcode related or over girls, or getting dirty looks on the bus. They're willing to kill over that shit, so its not as if they lack ruthlessness. If these guys could unite in some way (as some did during the London riots - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-19182350 )and get themselves organised I have no doubt they'd be a major OC force, at least in London. They could actually be the rich gangsters they spend their time pretending they are.

The black gangs could really do with a Lucky Luciano figure...