I dont usually keep it with me in Jersey. I think im allowed to possess it but all the clips i have for it are illegal. I bought in North Florida a week after i turned 18. They did everything legally required within 20 mins right at the counter. I have never bought a gun in NJ. Everywhere in the US you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. Usually its 18 to buy/own a rifle or shotgun. In NY its 21. In NJ it varies from town to town. Honestly it is a lot of fire power. But i and the rest of my family have traditionally been gun nuts. I through out my life have owned 3 shotguns, 2 rifles, and 2 handguns. My dad owns 12 or 13. My mom has one. Like I said I like guns.
I do agree with you as to being able to drink though