My roomate has a bolt action Winchester .30-06. Holds 4 rounds. The AR15 shoots a .223 caliber round. Most people that want to outlaw hi capacity magazines and assault weapons have never owned a gun! This is what bothers me when some girl says i can target shoot all i want with a .30-06. OK.. You cant shoot 10 rounds without bruising the shit out of your shoulder!
If you think firing a bolt action 30-06 is hard on your shoulder try firing one that shoots it in full-auto.
One of the most brutal machine guns ever is a Browning Automatic Rifle BAR M1918 which shoots 30-06 rounds on fullauto. It was the favorite gun of Clyde Barrow and the same model gun used to kill him and Bonnie Parker in that ambush when they were killed.
It's a real beast.