Originally Posted By: Skinny
I disagree with this ivy. I can see why you use it as a starting point but it shouldnt be all inclusive. Look at the Gerardo/DeVita crew. Not a indictment in twenty years, and they are far from inactive.

There are exceptions to every rule but, generally speaking, indictments are the best way to measure activity. Especially over the long term. Not that I'm sure the Devita crew is a good example of an exception. It was cited in the 2004 NJ OC report and John "Blue" Defroscia, who I remember reading is in the DeVita crew, has been involved in big gambling busts in 2003 and 2009.

Or who knew that the Pernas even exsisted until 2007?

The Pernas were very well known long before the 2007 arrests. You can go back to the 1980's with Mike Perna, the Taccettas, and the "Boys from New Jersey" mob case.

Or ninny?

He was also involved in that 2003 gambling bust that got Defroscia and several others. I've had the suspicion that the Bruschi crew and Dentico crew are the same.

What im saying is indictments arent always the best catalyst for showing how active a crew is. Not saying that i have any inside info so dont jump on me, but until an indictment comes all you have is pure rumor and speculation that you dispise. Once again, not trying to start an arguement here, just my point of veiw.

Again, not always but usually. Especially as more time goes by. It's why there's a lot of indictments in New York and none in Denver.

I disagree with this, thats not how it went down, but i have no sources i could/or am willing to quote so whatever.

Well if you're not willing, or can't, explain why you believe that, why even bring it up?

Mob king Dominick Cirillo 'ordered the murder of his gangster son' (on Mothers' Day)

Last edited by IvyLeague; 01/21/13 09:17 PM.

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