Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
The Genovese family is so much bigger and powerful than the Bonnanno family so I don't get how they got away with that.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
You know I've often wondered that myself. Was Dom in jail at the time of his son's disappearence? The West Side still packs an enormous punch. Was it a situation where Nick is killed then Basciano raises his hands in the air saying "I didn't do it?" or was there backing from other leaders of the Genovese Family who told him to let it go?

Resolution of a sitdown, most probably. The kid Cirillo was clearly in the wrong, raising hands to wiseguys.

THis has been brought up before what did he put his hands on baladmenti for I remember reading an article and that Dom didn't give a shit because his kid was a deadbeat junkie and a member of the Addams Family back in the 1990's (well he worked on the set )

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."