The Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, which is an exhibition that yearly brings over a hundred thousand visitors and buyers from around the eastern USA, last week banned vendors from selling assault weapons and some sport rifles. AA sizable number of gun dealers dropped from the event, and yesterday the NRA pulled out.
Last weekend they had a gun show here and they said that they had such a long line waiting to get in they opened the doors early and they closed 3 hours later cause the sold all the guns and bullets the people brought. They are having a gun show this weekend in Norfolk I'm sure it will be the same.
This is happening all over the country with many venders pulling out in some shows when the event starts putting on restrictions on what can be shown or sold. They are sending a clear message.
Just wait and see what the new voting group will be in coming elections.
I just love how some people are so willing to give up other peoples rights so easy. Why millions of good citizens have to be punished because of the fear some people have after some nut cases pull sick stunts. And only those good citizen will follow the bands put on them while the real problem causers could give two shits and do what they want anyway. Bans will only give people a fake sense of security.
and when they don't work, the call will be for total bans on all guns which will only make it worst as the crime rate will soar. NYC has had bans on guns for years and that never stopped shooting or crime with a weapon.
A report states that as many as 1 in 4 homes has a weapon in their control.
They all don't scream it out loud though. Many keep it to themselves and aren't flashing their guns out in the open. But you will see many speaking with their votes come election day.
Don't you love the NYC ban on soft drinks. Get ready for more and more control by the Government! After all they know what is good for you!