Get a grip FS.
The secons amendment clearly states that arms may be "well regulated." Requiring background checks and limiting magazines to ten rounds is hardly a punishment to gun owners. For that matter hollow poinjt and armour piercing bullets being banned do not punish lawful gun owners either.
With rights come responsibilities. And as for the limit on sodas in New York, I think anyone opposing it should be responsible to pay a disproportionate amount of money for the diabetes treatment of the idiots who drink those things.
Hey DT, what kind of grip should I take, they banned pistol grips on some weapons-

anyway, not to be rude to you,but you really should know more about what is being done then what the 2nd amendment is or isn't. If you would research what has happened here in NEW YORK State you would see what our Governor has ramroded into effect here in NY. Almost overnight without any kind of public debates or chance to talk about the items he went and enacted.
No one is talking about background checks, we have them already in NY and it is very tuff to get a new permit in most places and tuffest in NYC. All gun sales go thru a check here. And New York ALREADY had a ten round limit so that isn't what it is either, Cuomo has taken it down from 10 to seven, WHY? because he what to show he is KING and is setting him self up for a run for the white house?

So most guns that would have taken a 17 round Mags in other states was taken down to 10 years ago, and now he wants to take it to seven. Most popular guns have don't even have 7 round mags for these guns. Why not 10 rounds like the FED ban was stating? or you can have a 10 round Mag but only insert 7 rounds in it?

You know you can tell if a person is anti gun by what he posts and what their reasons are. Even if you are a gun owner, I will guess that you don't carry it for self protection or use it much or you would understand what people are talking about here. Besides the 2nd amendment interpretation.
The gun world is blowing up with all of this because people care!
I'll will tell you this, In most cases the citizen who is a gun owner is very responsible. The people who post in the gun forums post real quality posts and stay on the subject with little or no problems among them. Take a look and see how they are handling this subject and then you would see that it isn't a small problem like non owners or anti gun people think.
And like I said they will be a new voting block in the future elections!
You are right DT "With rights come responsibilities" and people who manage them should not be effected by those that can't or won't. That is why we have laws. How about we make those work rather then heap on new ones which will YES "Punish" and restrict those millions of people that do. The nuts and criminals don't follow any of them.
I thought lawyers where around to protect the good people rights also?
and why should anyone pay for: " pay a disproportionate amount of money for the diabetes treatment of the idiots who drink those things." If I oppose being told what I should or should be allow to do?? We are free men and women still aren't we?
Oh Yeah that is the reason we should always be allowed to have firearms! To stay free!
I know there are only a few who will post because so many other on THIS board do not owner or are anti gun people,and are afraid to go against the grain on here. but some of us do and it would be nice for those that don't to at least listen to what we are posting rather then taking cheap shots on this issue.
Thank for reading and understand where it comes from.
Be safe.