According to Robert Midget Molley (BET did an American Gangster episode on him) was in Marion when Gotti was assaulted, this is his take on what went down:

VG: It's like that in the FEDS?
MM: Let me tell you something!!! A few years after that they shipped me to Marion, the lockdown prison, claiming I was a threat to the orderly running of the prison; I'll tell you how I got to Marion later. but check this out!!! A dude named Philly got into a beef with John Gottiover some dum shit. It was around 7 o'clock at night. Gotti said, "Keep the noise down!!" Philly didn't respond because in Marion dudes don't speak from behind bars unless they know who they talkin to. So Philly never said nothin… The next mornin during rec, Philly whispered to the dude he was talkin to, askin him "Who was that last night that said keep the noise down." He told Philly It was John Gotti. Philly just brush it off and went and sat on the bench to the far left of the rec cage. Gotti walked over and said "This is my sit!!!" Philly said, "What you say man!!!" Gotti said, This is my sit!!!" Yo!! The young kid punished him!!! He bust his nose, his mouth, everything, yo. Most of the convicts were upset 'cause Gotti was cool with most of us. But this what people gotta understand on the street, you might be the man and all that, but in prison the roles can be easily changed. That same crack head on the street that people lookin down on can be a shot-caller in prison or a ruthless killer.

Last edited by dogzz; 01/25/13 11:44 PM.