I just don't like the knee jerk reaction to it and using that incident to further the goals of certain politicians who have made it crystal clear over the years that their ultimate goal is to ban just about all guns. I think it's disgusting the way some of these people are using that incident to further their political agenda.
Many are disgusted at the growing number of these types of massacres and are tired of hearing the same bad news over and over again.
How could we not be. It was on all media outlets for weeks, some times 24 hours a day. Evey show had people on saying how bad this event was, and what else could anyone say, but this should never happen again! And it shouldn't, no one wishes for crazy people to go a rampage.
Even before all the facts were in and God did they change every five mins. Most being wrong in a rush to get facts on the air. They were screams about the problem being GUNS!
Oh my if you didn't agree they made you look like you were a monster. How could anyone disagree about the killing of little kids!
If you look at the facts, this was a WELL to do part of the country. A great section of the state. NO real crime there.
A great place to live within a jump into the big city of New York. No need to worry here in our little town. Have you noticed how many of the shooting events happen in good areas or so called safe havens? Not in the gettos or high crime areas.
A single mom, with a child which she knew had major problems made a MAJOR mistake. One which cause her and many others their lives. He was so messed up that he would kill his own MOTHER and then turn on society with a vengeance. Going into a school which any sane person would consider a safe place, to spread his vengeance on defensless little angels.
Then the news media had its major story, which will fill hours and hours of airtime. A quick rush into every little crack looking for more dirt or angle and they interviewed and gave airtime to anyone who they could find to repeat over and over again how bad this was.
When that ran low they started the gun control angle which they could fuel with this story. Putting hour and hours of anti gun people on the air. Many who knew crap about weapons, clips Vs Mags and so on and so on. Get some air time and just BLAME guns for all this. What else could it be?
Lets start going after the symbol of gun ownership that evil NRA!
The few that wanted to look at the real reason for what happen got far less airtime because it didn't fan the flames.
Lets call a spade a spade. We all dropped the ball.
Gun people, non gun people, health care people, law enforcement even friends and neighbors, everyone.
We all can put the facts together to see what is common in all these shootings. MENTAL HEALTH PERIOD!
The thing that set this kid off was he was about to be looked into for his problem and maybe committed. So he struck out against the world.
But mental health issues are tuff to control. IT COST MONEY! It makes people afraid of big brother.
You LOSE YOUR RIGHTS and maybe you will be LOCKED AWAY.
Should people with metal health issues lose their rights to own or use weapons-(even knifes) maybe, we all agree on that right about now.
People know this is so hard to regulate. It is so hard to enforce all those laws and guidlines that we AlREADY have. Oh MY, who is going to do it and how much is it going to cost and I an so afraid of those evil looking Guns. Why do people need them at all?.
Let us just take away GUNS then they can't use them to hurt anyone! What a get idea-
And we can all look like we are doing something to make the world a better place!

and of course it will not efect me..I don't want, use or need guns anyway!