Even if background checks, limited magazines, and the assault rifle ban all goes into effect it will not end gun violence.
No it won't. If someone wants to do you harm they will find some other means to do it.
Mig, read what I said. I said it will NOT end all gun violence. There's just a chance it will be reduced, and I repeat if it saves one life its worth it.
You ARE right DT. IF even one other school slaughter (or shooting anywhere) is avoided, it would be worth it. Thing is, the gun clingers and their head honcho, NRA God, LaPierre or as I heard one person call him, Pepe la Pew,

want to insist the violence won't end, which NOBODY is saying. It's become a talking point. That's their story and they're sticking to it.

Don't beat a dead horse.
Btw, technically Lanza's mom, who was supposedly a responsible gun owner, had she lived, should have been held accountable for her son. She KNEW his mental state and still kept her guns (whether they were locked or unlocked).
Yes, TIS she made a mistake that cost her and many others their lives! I wish there were ways for us to keep people from making mistakes, but that is just not going to happen. Are we to punish others for her mistakes?
I just said (above) about the "if it saves one life" line.....if it is so true why do we allows so many other things to kill people. Or is it just a line when there are no real facts that sounds good?
Drugs, drinking and driving, and the list goes on and on..why because people aren't willing to give up booze, drugs and their cars like they are so willing to give up others right to have firearms. Sounds cold but are you willing to give any of these up to save one life?
Did anyone read the FBI report of how people are killed? Hammers kill more then any Rifles that they are banning in NY state.
Lets be fair about the facts.