What do you think of shooting rats in a horse barn when the horses are out? Is that a control condition.
How do you guys like the smith and Wesson combat master peace with the 4 inch barrel. It is a real nice gun don't you think.
Is that similar to the S&W model-19 357mag combat special? They stopped making them but they were really popular over the years. S&W have made some real good firearms, especially the ones tuned up and slightly modified at the S&W Performance center.
I had a 357 Colt Python that i wish i didn't sell. Used to really like that one. Same with a Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun i once had but traded it in towards another gun. Can't buy those things anymore. I've had many real nice guns over the years but i usually sell or trade one to get another, that type of thing. Not trying to build up an arsenal or anything. These days i usually stick to pistols when i go to the range, and i've been looking at a nice SIG Sauer pistol i've been thinking of picking up. Had a few SIG's over the years and never had any problems with any of them.
So what guns do you guys own and like to shoot? Hunting rifles? Pistols? Bazooka's?