Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: Scorsese
it does sound pretty plausible but why would he think to go straight after colombo why not russo.

Heres some stuff from the fbi files.
On June 29 – the day after the Colombo shooting – Scarpa told G-men the following:

Informant continued that he has learned that JOHNSON was "a would be Black wise guy" and hung out in Greenwich Village. Informant said JOHNSON never had the reputation of being a militant or a "kook" and that JOHNSON had often visited social clubs and after hours joints in Brooklyn, NY. Informant said he heard that JOHNSON once befriended never forgets this and was the type of person who if approached correctly would "do anything" for a price.

Just weeks before Colombo was gunned down the mob boss told Scarpa that his home had been cased by an apparent crew of black gangsters, and on June 10 Scarpa recounted that conversation to the FBI:

On 6/10/71, informant advised that he had recently met with Joe Colombo at which time COLOMBO confided that during the previous week he had been told that a car containing a number of Negro individuals was observed circling his block many times in the early AM hours. COLOMBO stated it is well known that GALLO had become friendly with Negro hoodlums while incarcerated and also believes it is possible that GALLO has enlisted their aid at the present time. COLOMBO concluded however that it is his personal feeling at present that GALLO is merely trying to "intimidate and shake me up" by having such an obvious play utilized. COLOMBO stated he is continuing to press for massive turnout on 6/28/71.

Carlo Gambino was not alone in his growing frustration with Joe Colombo's personal battle against the FBI. Indeed, Colombo's own associates were distancing themselves from the mob boss according to Scarpa. For example, on 6/15/71, Scarpa recounted for the FBI a conversation he had with pornographer Nicholas Bianco who was severing his ties with Colombo to ally with the Patriarcas:

On 6/15/71, informant advised that on the previous day he had had a long conversation with NICHOLAS BIANCO at which time BIANCO expressed great disgust with COLOMBO who BIANCO characterized as "crazy." BIANCO made clear to informant that he intended to "pull away" from COLOMBO and in this regard had purchased a home in Providence and will make a gradual "withdrawal." Informant said BIANCO stated that "we are all going to be arrested, it is inevitable, there is no way out," obviously referring to the fact that COLOMBO was "putting heat" on everyone who is close to him.

Colombo had told Gambino that the Civil Rights League rally would be his "swan song" according to Scarpa but little did Colombo know at the time how prophetic his words would become. The day after the Colombo hit Scarpa told the FBI:

Informant continued that approximately thirty minutes prior to the time COLOMBO was shot he had a discussion with him during which time COLOMBO advised that although GAMBINO was not furnishing him any support for this rally that he had assured GAMBINO that this would be his "swan song" and that in the future he would take a back seat to all the IACRL activities devoting himself to humanitarian causes such as boys camps, hospitals and the like and would refrain from fighting the FBI. COLOMBO stated that they should therefore not be too disappointed if the rally was not a huge success that they had hoped for.

Russo was indicted twice, but acquitted both times. Maybe his acquittals spurred Johnson to believe that Russo´s boss, Colombo, had "fixed" the case, behind the scene, using Colombo Family´s influence within the judicial system. Perhaps this was part of the motive behind the shooting?

Note that Scarpa doesn´t explain the shooting, but only gives some background to what he thinks can be the reason for it. A car with black gangsters circulating the Colombo home, doesn´t mean the blacks were sent by Gallo. If Johnson was part of some kind of a Black Panther movement and if the Colombo shooting was part of some kind of (what they considered) a racial war, the blacks in the car may possibly have been Johnson´s friends.

The Colombo/Gallo tension was there. But somehow I have a gut feeling that the Gallos were not behind the Colombo shooting. According to Cantalupo, Joey Gallo renounced any responsibility in the shooting. Considering his boldness and his fondness for bragging, his renouncement doesn´t sound very "Joey Galloish".

If Colombo had assured Gambino that this would be his "swan song" and that in the future he would take a back seat to all the IACRL activities, I wonder why Carlo Gambino would have had any motives of killing him? The damage of exposing the Mafia was already done.

I mean scarpa even said that he wasn't a kook or militant and if he was we probably would have heard about it by now any sort of black panther connection would have been major news at that time, but even the league felt that wasnt the case.It seems more like he was some freelance independent criminal and hustler, colombo seems like a bit of a random target for revenge in that situation. What was russos status within the family? Was he killed?