I don't know. IF I had a child or loved one murdered like those families and if I saw that a serious attempt was being made to control gun violence I would not hesitate to let my voice/face be heard.
Anyway gunclingers, don't fret YOU will be represented as well. One Republican congressman (forgot name) invited Ted Nugent aka Motor City Mad Man, as his guest. That's not "using" someone for political advantage (or in this case maybe political suicide)?

I read Nugent would be taking questions as well.
I don't see this as your side or mine.(but lets face it, I can see your side and you know my side) So I don't think having any of these people being there helps.
I sure as hell will bet that Obama will not mention Nugent in his speech as he will with the people he wants to use for his position tho.

and before we hear that this has been going on for years... that reason doesn't make it right.
gunclingers? Thank God for those people who are smart enough to see that their rights are not taken away.
I may point out as FACT that these so call "gunclingers" are the same people that serve in the military, law enforcement and are the ones that all the folks in this country call upon when they are afraid of the big bad evil villain. They also use their guns as many of the other people do, even when not in uniform. I think I read that 1-4 black rifles (as they are being called )are owned by people who are or have been in the military or law enforcement field. Next time you see an officer, ask him what he has or knows of his fellow officers. You may really be surprised by their answer.