Who was that Congressman WEINER?

and his naked pictures....
Speaking of the former Congressman:
I subscribe to a couple of French magazines to keep up with what little I have left of the French language. When the Dominique Strauss Kahn scandal broke, L'Express devoted an entire issue to "What Do the Americans Think of US?" Of course the French don't give a rat's ass about what the Americans think of them, so they centered on what
they think of Americans. The lead article began, "Certainly the Americans have nothing to teach us about morality in public life." They then went through a long litany of misbehaving US politicians, ending up with Weiner, who, they wrote, "was sending over the Internet photographs of
sa viritite triomphant." Isn't that a hell of a lot more elegant than "hardon"? Gotta love the French language.