I agree with the above, but not so sure about the reason. I think the Outfit is crumbling due to, one, the feds have crushed it, two, there are really no concentrated areas of utterly impoverished Italians anymore, and Italian immigration started petering out around 1920. So what we see now are basically the sons of the last wave of first generation Italian immigrants.

The sons of Outfit members have gone on to do very well for themselves in many cases in legitimate professions. Meaning, in many cases, the fathers were just doing what they thought they had to do to support their families, and didn't let their kids get anywhere near it. And the more succesful members have been disinvesting themselves from illegal activities for a long time, transfering those assets into legal ventures.

In that sense, I would consider the Outfit extraordinarily succesful and sophisticated.

Part of the equation is being able to recognize when it's over.