Originally Posted By: SgWaue86
Well from what i heard Joe A, is sick and living out his days in florida, joe kong is also sick and chris spina got what he had let, i guess toots is still makeing money, and at this point i think that its pretty rough out here for these guys not alot of money and alot of headaches, i know there's still some sort of pecking order but i wouldnt say it a heriarchal thing cause i know guys who do what they want and worry about the fallout later. What do you think is left?

Sounds like you have your ear more to the ground than I do. Definitely heard that about The Builder.

Would make sense that Toots is still making money, in Family Secrets the little current activity that was mentioned taking place in the city was all in Bridgeport (ie Talarico admitting he still had a book and a couple other things like that.)

I guess sense Sarno went away for it you have to figure that they still have some of the video poker stuff, although in another thread on this forum there is a link to all the FBI docs from the trial, including Marcello's take from the video poker stuff, and someone who was familiar with that biz in NY said the take was pretty low/not very good.

It was mentioned on ANP that the real money for DiFronzo is the Aruba casino, which makes perfect sense.

Basically from what I've heard they have the offshore casinos, the video poker thing, a limited amount of bookmaking and a limited amount of loan sharking, and that's about it.

Obviously the Internet has cut into their bookmaking, as payday loans, high APR credit cards, etc. have cut into their loansharking.