How many more episodes are left this season? I have a feeling once of the major characters isnt going to make it to the next season.
Well this is mid-season and last week returned with episode 9 so guessing roughly 7 or 8 more episodes?

You're likely right about a major character DD. A couple possibilities; Glen is so outraged right now he might end up acting and not thinking; Andrea could be a victim of the Governor should she go back to Rick's gang (and I think she will); then of course Merle is so hated anyone could go after him.

IF they ever lost Hershel, there goes the medical help. Would make the story interesting... SO, maybe him?
The ones I DON'T think will be written out are Rick or Darryl.
I kind of felt sorry for the prisoner that got it while he was talking to Carol. He was just beginning to come across as a decent guy and boom! LOL Good thinking on Carol's part as she took cover from the bullets, shielding herself with his body.