Originally Posted By: cookcounty

chicago doesn't have "crime fighters"

you get further in chicago by looking the other way

new york is full of snitches and that's why there's more info on them

The FBI is in Chicago just like anywhere else. And Chicago has had plenty of snitches, just not a lot of them made guys. But that could be due to their relative low number of made members as much as anything. Furthermore, in terms of relative size, one member flipping in Chicago is like 4 or 5 guys flipping in 1 of the smaller NY families. Look how much damage Nick Calabrese did.

Also, did you happen to see this article that talks about the feds having 2 high ranking informants in the Outfit. One for over 25 years and the other for almost 20 years.

Originally Posted By: tomas
I grew up in bridge port, and I know most of the grand ave crews theres more then just 28-30 made guys and ahell of alot more soilders then 100 and I no more than 50 want-to-be's that do work for the outfit, the family secrets trial didn't jam up anyone, just a fyI only one made has member has ever flipped on the chicago outfit, and thats nick C. And he only flipped on his own crew. And brother. And joey the the clown was already on the outs with the outfit for what he pulled in 95. And they didn't give a shit about him. The fed's made that trial seem bigger than it was. The chicago mob is alive and well in the windy city. That chart is so wrong they got made members and street bosses listed as soilder.witch is fine with them( the members) but the chart is wrong and I know guys that arn't listed at all.

Geographic claim? Check.

Inflated membership claim? Check.

Feds are full of shit? Check.

Gives the "real" scoop? Check.

All you guys follow the same manual.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 02/22/13 05:27 PM.

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