It's actually it's own topic somewhere in here in the "Real Life" strain, I think it's called Family Secrets Files or something like that. If you can't find it LMK and I'll take a look for it later.
I originally am from an area with a far superior baseball team, so neither really, but more a Sox guy.
Originally Posted By: SgWaue86
Originally Posted By: jonnynonos
Hahahaha... that's funny re: Gatuso.
In the FBI file on Marcello he's talking to his brother and he makes a comment to his brother, laughing, about how Lombardo ran more scams/shakesdowns than anyone, I forget the exact wording.
I don't believe the thing about Bananas either. It sounds like a Chuck Palanchuk story. Who knows if that is even physiologically possible.
Can you link me that Marcello F.B.I file? And who you go for Cubs or the other guys?
I wonder how much gambling there still is in Chinatown. Did you read When Corruption Was King? Talks a lot about the Outfit's relationship to the Chinese in Chinatown, various shady merchant's associations, etc.
The Chinese are huge gamblers. I would guess there is still some action over there.
Can you link Marcello's file i've yet to see it and would love to read it? And you with the Cubbie's or the other guys.