THE gun used to kill gangster John Wilson has been discovered in the burned-out car used by his assasins.

Gardai found the handgun while carrying out forensic examinations of the charred VW Passat.

Wilson was shot last Friday while bringing his children home from school.

Two men were involved in the shooting while a third man remained in the car.


The gun is now being examined to see if any DNA or ballistic evidence can be obtained which could identify the killers or if the gun was used in any other attacks.

"Everyone in Ballyfermot is talking about the gun being found, so the hit wasn't that professional. It's a good result for gardai," said one source.

"Wilson was probably killed by his own gang and it looks like a row over money sealed his fate," they added.

One man is still being questioned in Ballyfermot about the murder. The period of his detention was extended by another three days.

John Wilson had survived three other attempts on his life, the latest one in April in which he received gunshot wounds to the leg.

His two brothers are behind bars for murder. Eric 'Lucky' Wilson (28) is jailed in Spain for the murder of a UK criminal in 2010.

And Keith Wilson (24) was jailed last November for the murder of Daniel Gaynor (25) in Finglas in August 2010.

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for a group calling itself the Criminal Action Force has promised to take on the Real IRA as it seeks revenge for the killing of its Dublin commander Alan Ryan on September 3.

"If the Real IRA thinks we're going to sit back and let them take money from us they've another thing coming," he said.

"John Wilson was a member of our group and he wasn't afraid to stand up against Alan Ryan's gang," he added.

CAF spokesperson statement to Irish Star John Wilson.

CAF said: “John Wilson was aligned to a faction that had left CAF more than a year ago.

“We have had no activity with this former faction.

“There will be no retaliation taken by our membership.”

Last edited by abc123; 02/25/13 09:31 PM.