Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: fathersson

Question?- How much of a beating could/would you and your wife or your family take in that 15 minutes TOPS wait till a cop shows up?

A very subjective response to that question. There's no reason for anybody to give me or my family a beating. Growing up in the neighborhood, many of the local gangbangers know my family and know me from the area. I grew up with many of them, played on sports teams with them, went to school with them. They see me everyday in a suit and tie off to the office, in a neighborhood where such a sight is not a common occurrence. Let's just say that it is not in their interest to fuck with me given who im with, i mind my business and they mind theirs. Obcourse something can always happen to you or your family this is NYC, theres a bunch of crazies roaming the streets not to mention terrorists itching to attack us on a daily basis. You are not going to be safe 100% of the time no matter what you do.

I used the term Beating, and you come back with "There's no reason for anybody to give me or my family a beating.

The same thought may have gone thru the people in the movie house or the teachera and children in Newton school. It only happens to the other guy....
Still how much could happen in that 15 minutes you are waiting for before it is reported and enough people get there to stop the problem...
Now just because it hasn't happen to you before, could it happen to just about anyone. You bet, and you could be betting you or your love ones life.

Only sheep depend on others to take care of them from the wovles out there. I would rather take my chance on myself and be ready the moment I relize there is a problem, not waiting or depending on others

ONLY gun owners have the POWER to PROTECT and PRESERVE our FREEDOM.
"...it is their (the people's) right and duty to be at all times armed" - Thomas Jefferson, June 5, 1824

Everyone should read. "HOW TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD"

CAUTION: This Post has not been approved by Don Cardi.

You really don't expect people to believe your shit do you?

Read: "The Daily Apple"- Telling America and the Gangster BB like it really is!