Well it goes without saying that if something were to happen that I would do what I can do (fight, resist) during that time to protect myself while I wait for help to arrive. If you feel that by carrying a weapon such as a gun will make you safer then go ahead nobody is stopping you. Oftentimes, the people carrying those weapons for security have them used against them by the very people perpetrating the crime. Fact is that crime is near its lowest levels ever in NYC. The probability that an average person will be the victim of a crime is quite low.
Well, In New York City, your not allowed to carry so you are shit out of luck in holding anyone off with a weapon like a handgun. Only the bad guys have them. So never mind taking a knife to a gun fight. Fists aren't going to "cut" it-

and if you had any training at all - you would know that the old folk law about your gun beging used against you is just that.The phrase is used most often by someone taking a negative view on guns and their ownership. kind of like your mother telling you that you will shoot your eye out with your BB Gun- Stolen sure. if not stored correctly, taken from your hand, not likely unless you refuse to pull the triger. It is not like the movies with the super heros disarming a gang of thugs.
"The probability that an average person will be the victim of a crime is quite low."
Great then the laws we already had were doing fine and we didn't need all those new ones added to boot then did we-