This is where I end our discussion since your now using insults.
1. I told you earlier in my post that I'm NOT doing any comparison and you CAN'T compare Nigerian syndicates to Ndrangheta. FACT.
2. I already read about Ndrangheta many times having control of the majority of Europe's cocaine trade before and some states 80% and others say 60%. Regardless of the estimates that means there are the majority but that mean the rest of the 20% or so is control by a variety of crime groups which includes the other major Italian syndicates, Albanians, Turks, Nigerains, and others.
3. You need to comprehend comments and reports better and stop being bias and bring sources to back your claims. You disagreed with me and showed no backbone for it.

It goes back to what i said earlier, I don't put belief into this topic just research. Peace.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb