I farely doubt that they control 80% of the cocaine trade in Europe, maybe South, but all the North side is practically supplied by Russian groups.
the # very well might be a bit high, but its extremely hard to gauge anyways seeing how there is just so much coke flooding europe these days, they might even surpass the US market soon, but ts fair to say that the calabrians bring in the majority. what people often fail to realize however, is that once they bring in these huge shipments, they get distributed to other groups who then take it from there and distibute it locally, like the many eastern european groups.
the calabrians themselves don't seem to be heavily involved themselves in the street level distribution, the camorra seem to be the only italian group involved in that. my point is, that when discussing the 80%, that just refers to who initially imported the coke, at least thats how i've always looked at it. after that its distributed hundreds of different ways.