Okay, I thought I needed to start this

As some of you know, I stopped smoking just over a week ago (May 25). I've been chewing (lots of) Nicorette since, but, have remained mostly smoke-free. I say mostly cuz I may have a puff or two at a bar every couple days, and don't consider that being a failure...

I've smoked since I was 17, and have enjoyed it - but - it's become a nasty "habit" that I really need to break. I was smoking too much, sitting at a computer all day, it's easy to smoke and not realize it. Therefore, it's easy to smoke 2+ packs/day without knowing it. I knew shit had to change getting out of breath taking out the trash!

It's not an easy thing, after 21 years. Trust me on that one. I think the stock price in Nicorette is gonna double in a couple days. But - better that than continuing to pollute myself, right?

I know non-smokers won't understand any of this.

I decided to quite (again) for a few reasons. The first (and only serious) time I quit was about 4 years ago when my mom was going in for cardiac bypass surgery. I lasted about 6 months, but the bar scene was increasing difficult to overcome.

This time, my mom was going back in for an angioplasty, and that was one motivator. Another was the fact that I didn't feel healthy any more -- getting colds for no reason, becoming out of breath for no reason, etc. Bad news. What made it easier was the fact that I ran out of cigarettes one night... a night I was on the chatroom ALL NIGHT. I would buy my smokes online for $12/carton, and never ordered more. That night, I ran out, and with the other motivators, I figured that was it - I ran out, so that's that. Time to quit.

I will say this - under circumstances I cannot/will not smoke, it never really bothered me not smoking. I didn't really think much of it, tho, at times I'd chew a piece of Nicorette every couple hours or so and it'd be fine.

But I tell yeah, once you "really quit" it's been much tougher. I've been chewing this shit almost constantly - more than I would otherwise. (But again, I figure it's better than smoking!)

As far as the "puff now and then at the bar", I don't consider that being a terrible thing, at least in the beginning. If I said to myself "I can never smoke again" I would think of that as an impossible task, and surely would fail. But, if I thought that - in the beginning at least - I would limit myself to a few puffs a few times/week it'd be no big deal. My rule is to never buy them, and to never take them home! I think it's helped. And it's not like I'd smoke constantly at the bar, only - cuz I haven't, and I know that wouldn't be good nor work. But a "let me light that for you" approach has worked so far. It's been over 8 days, and I've had like 1 cig (for real) the entire time. Compared to 40+/DAY, that's pretty incredible - and to me, not a failure.

But in any event - rather than rambling on - I'd love to hear others' experiences quitting. What has and what hasn't worked for you? Gum vs patch vs lozenges vs inhalers vs whatever - what has worked for you? And, what has your success/failure rate been?

I really wanna try this time. Cuz I said long ago that I wanted to quit by 30. Then at 35. Then at 40 -- and, at 38, I think that's close enough!

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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