Stories like this are bound to crop up again and again in cinema and it has already had SHowtime's 'Brotherhood' which was okay and pretty good in parts.

Thing is things have to move forward as well as be looking back all the time and you can guarantee the Whitey thing will run and run. He could even live another five, ten years or more so there'll be the Shawshank Redemption version at some point, the conspiracy too the one where Whitey trains an out of work bum to mimic him and incorporate his DNA so WHitey can snag the reward and flee to a tropical island retreat in the Caribbean raising a toast with his retired law enforcement buddies. He'll probably become a gangster in a superhero flick too if he haven't done already.

Like the wild west tales of old this one will run and run. There's bound to be one from Connolly's point of view too so no need to worry on this front the Whitey story will run and run.

There'll probably even be a movie made about all the movie's made about Whitey and it'll end with Whitey perched upon a hammock in Hawaii going "so long suckers" whilst waving a fistful of dollars and thanking his stunt double who then dies and federal mandates stipulate you can't make someone dead do the time. So then Whitey returns becomes the next chapter...

Then WHitey returns to Southie to wage war with what's left of the mob and we're into part 8 of the saga...

And when he do pass through to the other side they can begin production on that Halloween special they been working on the one where he appears as a ghoulish leprechaun to teenage junkies in a methadone dependency unit in Southie...

When the walls start getting painted with blood was it the junkies giving up, was it the whitey little leprechaun? You see you just don't know...

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin