if roth had contacted rocco for the hit, would'nt he ( roth )have had some idea of what rocco looked like and suspected something was up when rocco is at the airport trying to pass himself off as a reporter?

in the hit scene, right after the compound is locked down, the bodyguards let the dogs loose down the drainpipe - 1) if anybody had been around that drainpipe, those dogs would have alerted to that and been going crazy. 2) a scene or 2 later, the 2 hitmens bodys are found in a ditch by a similar looking drainpipe. 3) how many drain pipes are on the property. 4) wouldnt a security minded mike have bars or fencing welded over the openings to prevent access through them. 5) if there is only 1 drainpipe, with everybody walking through out the compound, somebody would have been standing by the drainpipe that the dogs were sent down waiting for them to return, how did the bodies show up in that ditch?

Guiseppe Petri