Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Originally Posted By: GabbyBM
And in the "filmwad" article, it mentions shooting the assassins. In truth, their throats were slit which makes it even more unbelievable that it was Fredo. I'll agree that the killers of the assassins issue is not addressed and maybe should have been.

Michael says to Tom that same night: I give you complete power, Tom, over Fredo and his men, Rocco, Neri, everyone.

So it doesn't have had to be Fredo himself but rather some of his guys who killed those assassins. Obviously these men did not need to be implicated in the film as it centered on Fredo. Fredo's men are insignificant for the viewer.

Interesting discussion you guys have going. I've often wondered who killed those 2 gunmen.

I think more then one person had to have killed them. Assuming both gunmen were still armed, how would one guy cut the throat of 2 armed men? I'll give you the first one but the second? I would think he would of noticed number 1 get his throat cut and would of fought back or shot the attacker. Don't you usually cut someones throat open from behind them?