Toodoped: MeyerLansky is GBB's new "50 Cent" lol Cheers buddy and stay safe
MeyerLansky: haha thank you buddy ! i hope i will go home today, the doctors will give an answer later this day
Toodoped: I wish you the best buddy and dont forget, what doesnt kill you, makes you stronger
MeyerLansky: indeed thank you buddy ! all the best to you too !
Toodoped: Fuck the ScottB & Button/Zipper Pants sites and fuck their paywalls. This forum gives you everything for free and so best wishes and good health to both JGeoff and TB!
Toodoped: Cheers and stay tuned for more free information.
Toodoped: Cant believe that some posters need to open three different threads so they can advertise their projects, and also talk to themselves with the help of different accounts. What is the world coming to?!
Toodoped: whoomp there it is! whoomp there it is! lol
Toodoped: a bird told me that the zipper pants site is slowly going down lol lol lol
Toodoped: The best fun for me is being the puppeteer of a complete idiot lol lol
Toodoped: ...and screw all paywalls and paying sites. They wont give you shit
Toodoped: Thanks buddy! We should continue fighting against these lying paying sites and to protect everyone on this forum, especially the younger generation or posters.
Toodoped: these days lots of people that I know lost their families and everything they had because its legit and even youngsters can chip in
Toodoped: Same as the mob paying sites...ppl pay for "Disneyland" and wiki mob stuff, something which they can find it on their own with a simple google search
VanillaLimeCoke: Lousy school violence these days. Not even a 6th of the way through September and we've already had a psychotic violent school shooting.
Toodoped: Word. Few days ago, over here, they caught one teenager with a gun and more than 60 bullets, while going to school. I wonder what was his plan ?!
Toodoped: Damn....the retard slowly became a stalker and he's following me whenever I make a post so he can bump up his own $0,5 "projects" lol lol "IT" is finished and I love it lol
Toodoped: Cant believe this off to find some real pussy
Toodoped: aaaaand....the retarded stalker is back again
Toodoped: For those who enjoyed the "TD's Free Outfit Articles 2023/24" thread, well thanks to @TB for making it a sticky on the first page in the OC forum so everyone can enjoy it. Again, I want to personally say thanks to TB, JGeoff and the whole GBB forum. Salut
VanillaLimeCoke: I can’t take it anymore. Everything has gotta change. Or at least a lot.
Toodoped: Screw the world bro...the main thing today is to take care of you and yours.
VanillaLimeCoke: I’m hoping and praying that 2025 will be so much better. …. for real …. Too
Giacomo_Vacari: Damn, he is posting the same things over and over, nothing new. Watch out the flu is bad this year. January 20th Trump gets sworn in, and hopefully turn things around.
VanillaLimeCoke: Yeah, but they’re already planning things so he can’t turn them around
VanillaLimeCoke: Biden’s pardened over 8000 people, most of which were issued in the last 2-3 months
hoodlum: Yes, most likely 2 piss off that crybaby & compulsive liar now sadly in office.
Jason1969: Hey! After applying months ago, I finally got my button and was accepted as a member!
Speaking of the Mets, I won free tickets on the radio to the Giants vs. Mets game on June 3rd.
So did you have a good time, BL?
I've only been to one game this year, but hope to get to more soon. Since my family's move, we're farther away from the stadium, and it's harder to get together with my fellow fan friends, but we'll find a way. I realized after cleaning my room that I'd been storing two coupons for free tickets (cheap seats, but still a good view!), but they were only good through the end of May, so we missed out.
They've really been stinking up the joint lately, then I missed tonight's game, which they ended up winning. Is that telling me something?
SB's Yankees and SC's Sox will be in town this month, which I'm excited about! I don't think we've ever played them since I began watching in 2004, so it'll be fun to see.
Well, with the exception of SC's team, I think all of our teams are stinking up the joint lately. It seems that the Yankees no sooner get to .500 that they end up losing a few games.
Mr. Babe has tickets for today's game. I have to go to my niece's baby shower, so he's taking my brother instead.
Well, with the exception of SC's team, I think all of our teams are stinking up the joint lately.
Give them time... Big Papi is out, Manny is day-to-day, Crisp will be out for 6 games (fined for the brawl)... the Sox just rolled over and played dead last night.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: SC]
#491820 06/07/0808:36 AM06/07/0808:36 AM
Whenever I get this way, I try to keep in mind that it is barely June. On the radio the other day, the announcer reminded us that the Yankees ended May '07 13.5 games out of first, and still made the playoffs.
The weird thing is that Wang, their ace, is not doing as well as expected lately, and Moose is doing BETTER than expected. Pettite is completely inconsistent, Rasner's been a pleasant surprise, and Joba is a total unknown. So, they can hit all they want, but the pitching problem has been going on for years and has never been resolved.
I remember Torre winning despite these problems, and doing it with the likes of Aaron Small, Shawn Chacon and Al Leiter (in '05, I think). I will never forget Leiter pitching in Fenway after being signed and given like 12 hours notice. I thought that they might as well dip him in BBQ sauce and set a pack of wild dogs on him, but he pitched brilliantly.
Right now, I don't foresee the Yankees pulling one of those pitchers out of their back pockets any time soon.
They still have some chance. Giambi always scares me (although there is a limit to how many walk off homers he can hit to save games), and ARod SHOULD be doing better, but it comes down to the pitching.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: SC]
#491838 06/07/0809:46 AM06/07/0809:46 AM
I won't get to kiss Jeter for you in August, SB. Nicole found out the tickets were for nose bleed seats way up high, so that threw out her chance of running onto the field and kidnapping Derek. I have no desire to be that close to heaven either.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Beth E]
#492203 06/08/0808:25 PM06/08/0808:25 PM
Sadly, I won't be within kissing distance. I haven't checked for sure, but I figure tickets for that series have already gone fast. It'd be great to go, but I'll also enjoy seeing it on TV just to get commentary and close-ups, since they'll be exciting games.
They had no chance today, what with all the negative energy going against them. I was over at my grandparents, and when my grandpa and uncle are watching the game together, the boys would get criticized for winning!
I'd say good luck this series, GG, but I don't think we can afford it! NYY is 34-33, HOU is 33-34 going into it. We'll see. Too bad I'm gonna miss most of the series since I'll be out of town + Fathers Day, but, a small part of me is rooting for you! (A larger part, well.... )
I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! lol
Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy?--Peter Griffin
Gina, your man, (or your friend's man) Luke Scott hit a powerful solo homer tonight. It's cute how they always show him in the dugout after is at bat's writing it in his journal. There's something cute about that.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
I love Gina and all, but to root for Houston over NYY??? Because of a fantasy game??
Waitaminute...fantasy? Don't tell me he has my guys for BBC. No wonder his small part is rooting for them.
Well, tough loss to take, but it was a great game! And you know, if someone's gonna break the tie with a homer against us, I think the best man did it. Everytime I saw him, I thought of you, SB.
Bethie, my friend has been giving me reports everytime he hits a homer, so I'll have to test her to see if she heard about this one! She's convinced it's because she took him off her fantasy team and thus stopped jinxing him. haha Our announcers used to always comment on how he'd keep a journal...I think it's really good he's making that kind of effort.
Here's a picture of baby Natalie taken today on her first trip to the beach. She is just too adorable and amazed at the sand. It's hard to believe in few months she won't be the baby anymore when my other niece pops baby #3.
She's not a bb member so didn't want to post in the picture section. She can officially be a "mini" lady here.
Last edited by Beth E; 06/14/0808:13 PM.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Beth E]
#493411 06/14/0808:17 PM06/14/0808:17 PM
You wanna see cute. Here she was a few months ago loving her first peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You can't go wrong with the good old stand by PBJ.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Beth E]
#493419 06/14/0809:09 PM06/14/0809:09 PM
Other people's kids are wonderful. With two of my sisters being grandmothers people ask how I'd react to being a grandmother. I wouldn't care. You can spoil them, buy them nice things and send them home when they get to be bratty. At least I hope they'll be going home to a different house.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Beth E]
#493430 06/14/0811:34 PM06/14/0811:34 PM
Natalie is 16 months. It's hard to believe Joshua turns 2 tomorrow. He won't be his mom's baby when his younger sister, Leah Joy, arrives in September. Then we'll have 2 boys and 2 girls. A nice mix.
How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin
When there's a will...put me in it.
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: Beth E]
#493436 06/15/0812:33 AM06/15/0812:33 AM
Looking at Beth's pix made me a little sentimental, and with that in mind I'm posting three pix of my own here. They are pictures of me with my niece, spaced apart by 20 years.
From 1964:
From 1984:
From 2003:
She's a great "kid"!!
Re: The Ladies' Thread, Part II
[Re: SC]
#493462 06/15/0808:59 AM06/15/0808:59 AM