Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Originally Posted By: TonyBoy117
Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Some claim DeFilippo´s crew was split in half around 2002, one half ended up under Basciano. Any thoughts on that claim?
It's more than possible that there were two crews in the Bronx for a time with one being under Vinny but if so it was mostly composed of Vinnys own guys, the crew didn't ever split in half as far as I'm aware but again I could be wrong, I have a feeling a friend of mine may know better

Who's making this claim? With no sources it's his shouldn't even be discussed.

Just following the protocol set by the experts.

Hope you are being sarcastic.

What about Ridgewood in Queens? Aren't there a lot of Sicilians there still? There certainly were when those psychos in the Cafe Giannini crew were operating out there...