lol you need to quit acting like anyone takes you seriously enough to follow any type of direction you give dipshit

I can guarantee you I'm taking a lot more seriously here than you are. Most have pegged you for what you are...yet another Chicago fanboy come to waive the Outfit flag. This crap played for a while on the forums 5 years ago but most people are onto it now. They see past the BS.
And speaking of BS...
Both the Outfit and Detroit stay extremely under the radar and out of the media, which means dorks like you can't find out that much information about them. Both retain acting bosses and Capo's on the street for 3-4 times as long as any East Coast family and both have only had one made guy flip in their entire 75+ year existence.
The whole "under the radar and out of the media" thing has been done to death. It's just an excuse to explain away lack of activity.
So even though New England has almost double the amount of members you think the Outfit is still more powerful? Please explain; I'm open-minded.
If we're comparing apples to apples and going by the latest official estimates of both families, the total manpower is pretty much the same. The member-to-associate ratio is just different. Chicago has maybe 30 members and a little over 100 associates. New England has 40-50 members and 100 associates. So perhaps 150 total for either family. So the relative size is comparable.
I put Chicago ahead, though not by much mind you. I still put them in the same category, just with Chicago being at the top of the remaining small families outside NY. It still does have more interest in legitimate businesses. Things like strip clubs, trucking companies, the trade show industry, etc; whereas New England is not far from a total street operation and Philadelphia almost completely so. That said, it's certainly possible either of those families could outlast Chicago if they prove to be more durable in terms of general attrition.
Not so much "my mob" vs. "your mob." More or less people with no credibility making dumbshit statements. But I just broke my own rule and engaged with them (Italians are bullies) so I'm done with this piss match...please continue.
You say I have no credibility because I don't agree with you. But I usually back up everything I saw with evidence. All you have is "I live in Chicago."
By the way, you never answered my question. Are you Fratto from the RD/Grand Ave from the Black Hand?
Hey in my neighborhood we ran all the poles, romanians and ukrains and spanish. Think you could help yourself if you saw a little juvenile officer from Utah with glasses walk down the street? I just can't.
Gotta love the tough talk from behind the computer. You're automatically tough because you're from Chicago and you ran with other ethnic groups. Zzzzzzzzzzz.
And I don't wear glasses.
people in new york don't understand the syndicate
so u being a netherlands it would be hard to grasp, chicagoland is very corrupt so members of the mob are able to make more money because they're dealing with contracts. chicago is a mobtown and everybody (all races) work together once you reach a certain level of greenbacks
chicago has better scams than other cities that gives them $ and power
That's another crap line that most people have learned to see past. Given the level of information available today, a person doesn't need to live in Chicago or even visit there to understand the Outfit. You're just playing the geography card
again, as many other Chicago posters have done before.
Chicago certainly has a lot of corruption. That's no secret. But you calling it a "mob town" is a perfect example of you equating all that corruption with the mob. And that's not reality. Everything in the city, including it's corruption, doesn't revolve around the Outfit. Rather, the Outfit is one entity that may benefit from that corruption. But getting public contracts certainly isn't unique to the Chicago family. There's been several news articles in recent years reporting how the NY families have continued to receive hundreds of millions in contracts.
Scams? Things like stock fraud, telecommunications fraud, health care fraud, etc. have been almost solely the done by the NY families in recent years.
Thanks for answering my question even though I did not ask you. You seem to be a very credible guy, and there's no question you live in Chicago, so I believe you.
Ivyleague, don't bother answering anymore, you live in Indian territory and have to worry about protecting your farm against savages and bears, so how could you possibly know?
Exactly. When all these guys have left is, "I live in Chicago and you don't," you know they're running on empty. It's almost sad.