Originally posted by Rocky:
[quote]Originally posted by plawrence:
[b] [quote]Originally posted by joltinjoe05:
[b] Do you need a degree to pursue a Thug Life?
What the hell IS a "thug life"? [/b][/quote]Yes, Pat, please explain what a "thug life" is. [/b][/quote]THUG LIFE stands for "The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everybody." It wasn't made by Tupac, but he started it back up and made a 'THUG LIFE' code in the early 90's. Since he felt the government was doing everything they could to help poor people in the projects, he was going to take it into his own hands. He wanted to end gangs and he said if they stayed, the only use was to have them all unite as one to make something positive. There were several Bloods and Crips he united back in 1992 and 1993.

Let's put it this way. He didn't go by the definition of 'thug' that's in the dictionary. If he saw a homeless person or a mother who was a crackhead, he'd find the dealers, kill them and/or beat the shit out of them, and get rid of the their drugs. I was misinformed about them selling the drugs after this, as I learned in the Tupac documentary that he had sold drugs for 2 weeks, but the dealers took the drugs back saying he didn't belong and they didn't want him getting caught in the mix. Let's just put it this way. Martin Luther King was a Thug with what he did. He took nothing and turned it into a little something, and with that made the biggest civil rights protest in history down in DC.

That is what THUG LIFE was made to do, but Congress refused to listen, and sued and got some of Tupac's CDs edited and/or banned from the shelves of stores. His first album (2Pacalypse Now) was banned for close to a year by Dan Quayle saying that "It has no place in this society." THUG LIFE wanted to get rid of any white or black man or woman who had money, but wasn't using it to help the inner city. That is why MANY Blacks DESPISE Ronald Reagan. Sure, he made our military incredible, BUT none of that money was used to help the poor. As Tupac said, "I see homeless people in Washington DC. This is where the President lives and he's talking about helping the homeless. There's a thousand rooms in the White House, but it would get a little tainted." I hope this gives you better understanding.

Krlea--I don't live downtown. I live about 5 minutes from it. I'm in Muhenberg, if you know where that is. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur